Success Script – Nurturing Body and Brain

Title: Getting More Active
Name: Matt
Date: 10/26/06

Background: I have always been a very active guy. In the summer you won’t find me inside any time. I love hiking, fishing, swimming, skiing, you name it. Outdoor time lets me relax and not worry about other things in my life. I also am often with friends. It meets many needs – recreation, spiritual, physical and connection. This fall I found myself indoors a lot. The weather has been lousy, so I have been picking up my video game controller and sitting in front of the TV. I have been getting stressed about school work and testier with my emotions. I also felt tired and lazy – generally not in a mood to do anything.

New Behavior: Our workbook assignment on Self-Care included a “reality check” to see how we were meeting our physical needs daily. As I went through each item, I started noticing a pattern. Not only was I not getting enough outdoor exercise, other needs were not being met due to the lack of this important time for myself.

I decided to call some friends and go for a hike no matter the condition. It ended up raining again, but we didn’t care. We got all our necessary gear, food, and water and made the trek up Mt. Mansfield. It was muddy and sloppy every step, but we were having a great time – splashing in rivers and talking about good old times. We hiked all day, ate lunch at the top, and then took a different trail to the bottom. It took us about six hours for the entire trip.

I think it is important to me to get outside at least once a week. Since that Saturday, I have been consciously trying to get more active. I have been shooting hoops in between classes, walking to and from school, and getting out a little while at least one of the weekend days.

Why I Consider this a Success: I have generally been feeling a lot better and I have been friendlier with everyone. This is kind of weird, but I have actually been sleeping better too, which makes me more energized throughout the day. It was also a success because I looked back on a week and figured out why I was feeling down in the dumps, and then found a cure that was as simple as going for a hike with some friends. I think it is amazing how one little activity can change how you are feeling.

Intention for the Future: It is obvious that outdoor time is very important in taking care of myself. If I am ever feeling down, I need to look within myself and my actions to figure out why and how to fix it. I am going to try to not let this fall period get me down again. I need to realize that I must spend time with friends outside, or my whole life starts to spiral in the wrong direction.

from Connection: A Self-Care Path for Resolving Differences
Bonnie R. Fraser,