Will I find Connection useful?
Here are messages to the four groups I think most likely to find this book important to them and why I think so. For excerpts from Connection, check out in the Exercise and Handouts section.
Do you hunger to take Nonviolent Communication (NVC) into colleges because you have found it life-changing and want to share this with your students for their personal benefit and their positive impact on society?
Add this textbook-workbook to your excitement about NVC and you will have everything you need to effectively teach your class.
NVC trainers, are you looking for lively follow-up material for participants that will re-enforce the NVC tools that you have just taught? Do you want to recommend a book for a new study group or interested individuals that guides the participants step by step through each part of NVC’s life-affirming communication and gives repeated invitations to practice these skills?
Bookmarks with info about Connection and exploreconnection.com are available for you to hand out, replacing the need to carry and manage books!
Perhaps you want some more exercises that have been tested and refined in a classroom to add to future workshops? Perhaps you want some quotes or essays to add to your blog or newsletters? Help yourself to anything on the website or in the book that seems useful to you.
Are you eager to practice and help others practice their Compassionate Communication skills?
Are you looking for a lively workbook for your group to study based on Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication?
Would you like tips from experienced practice group leaders on how to make your practice group more effective?
Do you want a friendly path that leads to better understanding of yourself and others, improving your self-care, and building stronger relationships?
Do you want to strengthen your self-confidence and ability to make needs-based decisions? Do you aim to be a more effective peace-maker at home and in society?
Are you curious about NVC’s life-enhancing communication principles, which are now changing lives and relationships around the world?